
Leader of KHJ Studio, KIM HyunJoo is an artist and a designer focused on sculpture, installation, and craft-related lifestyle items. 

Over the years I have been constantly interested in the potential of raw, natural medium and the organic beauty they generate. Largely because of this my work contains the texture and form of nature. I work principally with two materials: stone, which contains the integrity and pattern of geological time, and Hanji (Korean traditional paper), which is made of densely stacked mulberry fibers.

I enjoy the contrariness of nature: the use of two  mediums which are essentially opposed in their make-up - hard stone that needs to be cut to form a shape, and a flexible paper that can be stacked or layered to form a three-dimensional structure – come from, I believe, my own tendency to juxtapose different physical qualities. 

I enjoy the simultaneity of opposites: contemporary and traditional media; two and three-dimensions; objects for private and public spheres; handmade and digital design; rural and city life; organic and geometric form. However, my aesthetic approach and production methods are reconciled through one concept: nature.  

‘김현주’는 아티스트-디자이너 로써 조각, 설치, 그리고 공예 기반의 라이프스타일 제품을 만들고 있다. 

수년 동안 가공되지 않은 자연 소재의 잠재력과 이를 통해 만들어 낼 수 있는 유기적 아름다움에 지속적으로 주목해 왔다. 이로 인해 그녀의 작품은 자연의 질감과 형태를 담고 있다. 자연의 온전함과 무늬를 담고 있는 돌과 닥나무 섬유 (한지)라는 두 매체를 중점적으로 작업을 하고 있다.

자연의 대립되는 특성에 대한 흥미를 가지고 있다. 돌은 깎아내어 형상을 만들어야 하지만, 종이는 쌓여 입체적인 형태를 형성한다. 대립되는 두 소재에 대한 관심은 서로 다른 특성을 결합하려는 그녀의 작품 접근 방식에서 비롯되었으며, 작품을 통해 상반되는 개념의 동시성을 표현하고 있다. 2차원적인 듯한 3차원 작품, 개인적이면서도 공공적인 영역에 속할 수 있는 오브제, 전통 소재에 현대적인 접근, 디지털 디자인과 수공예 제작, 농촌과 도시의 삶, 유기적이며 기하하적인 형태 등.

그러나 상반된 요소에 대한 미적 접근 방식과 제작 방식은 자연이라는 하나의 개념을 통해 조화를 이룬다.


'Snow & Sprout' Kim Hyun Joo's work with Bonsai , Atelier Aechae (Seoul)
Kim Hyun Joo solo exhibition, Nonfiction (Seoul)
Kim Hyun Joo solo exhibition, Rho 02 (Seoul)
Encountering Spring Days : A Special Exhibition about Paper Through the Ages, National Folk Museum of Korea (Paju)
From the earth, Trio group exhibition, Gallery Kki (Seoul)
Maison & Objet (Paris)
Kim Hyun Joo solo exhibition, Seoul Hanok (Seoul)
Kim Hyun Joo solo exhibition, Gallery SOAN (Jeonju)
That’s Korea: Hanji, exhibition, Marciana National Library (Venice)
New Year x New Objects, exhibition, Hanji center (Seoul)
Silence and Inspiration, exhibition, Nonfiction (Seoul)
Métiers d'art, Maison et Objet, Craft hall (Paris)
Repair : Re+pair, exhibition, Amore Sungsu (Seoul)
Flower Power, exhibition, CAVA life (Seoul)
The Preview Art fair (Seoul)
NY NOW (New York)
Maison & Objet (Paris)
NY NOW (New York)
“Neomateria”, new materials for the crafts, exhibition (Lleida)
Pop-up exhibition @ Eternal Journey (Busan)
Trio exhibition, Giagaga gallery (Seoul)
Craft Trend Fair (Seoul)
Craft Kiosk, exhibition (Seoul)
Neo material: New materials for design and crafts, exhibition (Chang-Won)
NY NOW (New York)
Paper World Fair (Frankfurt)
Craft Trend Fair (Seoul)
Maison & Objet (Paris)
NY NOW (New York)
Material Modernity : Incredible bamboo, paper & wood, exhibition ( Hong Kong)
Paper World Fair (Frankfurt)
London Design Fair (London)
Tokyo Gift Show (Tokyo)
NY NOW (New York)
Spring Fair (Birmingham,UK)
Paper World Fair (Frankfurt)
Craft Trend Fair (Seoul)
Maison & Objet (Paris)
NY NOW (New York)
Paper World Fair (Frankfurt)
Craft Trend Fair (Seoul)
Maison & Objet (Paris)
Korea Craft & Design Products Now, exhibition (Berlin)
Paper World Fair (Frankfurt)
New Korean Design, exhibition (Berlin)
On The Table, exhibition (Seoul)
Ambiente Fair (Frankfurt)
Paper World Fair (Frankfurt)
London Design Fair (London)
Meet My Project, exhibition (Milano)
On-Gi, exhibition (Seoul)
Home & Table Deco Fair (Seoul)
Maison & Objet (Paris)
House for Pet, exhibition (Seoul)
Soom, exhibition (Seoul)
Seoul Design Festival (Seoul)
Food Design Guzzini, exhibition (Seoul)
Korea Design Week, exhibition (Seoul)
Saving by design Plus, exhibition (Seoul)
Design Cube, exhibition (Seoul)
Design MADE 2008, Saving by design, exhibition (Seoul)
The Materials Farm 2020: Neomateria Inspirational Talks in Barcelona Design Week
Sharing session speech, Material Modernity exhibition in Hong Kong
Hanji Design workshop in ISIA ROMA DESIGN in Rome
Hanji international seminar in Frankfurt, speech about ‘Making Hanji Modern: Production in an international context’
Craft Heerak exhibition seminar, speech about ‘The era of designer makers: combining craft materials and design’
2023 K-ribbon selection, Korea premium handicraft award
2020 K-Ribbon selection, The Excellent Cultural Products in Korea
Lexus Creative Masters award
Frankfurt Ambiente Talents - selected
Seoul Good Public design - selected
Seoul Good Public design - selected
Reddot Design Award - winner